Waist to Hip Ratio Calculator

Use this calculator to find out your waist to hip ratio.

Your Waist to Hip Ratio is


Waist to Hip Ratio Calculator

Numerous metrics and calculators have been developed to offer insights into one's health status and risks. Among these, the Waist to Hip Ratio (WHR) calculator stands out as a simple yet effective tool for assessing the distribution of body fat and its potential health implications. This article delves into the significance of the WHR, how it's calculated, and its health implications, linking to relevant scientific research and guidelines for a comprehensive understanding.

What is Waist to Hip Ratio?

The Waist to Hip Ratio (WHR) is a measurement that compares the circumference of your waist to that of your hips. It is a quick measure of fat distribution and an indicator of obesity-related health risks. The WHR helps in assessing the risk of developing conditions like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and other metabolic syndromes.

How to Calculate WHR

Calculating your WHR is straightforward. You'll need a tape measure to take two key measurements:

  1. Waist Circumference: Measure around the smallest part of your waist, just above your belly button.
  2. Hip Circumference: Measure around the widest part of your hips, where the buttocks are most protruding.

Once you have these measurements, divide your waist measurement by your hip measurement to get your WHR.

WHR Formula

WHR =Waist Circumference / Hip Circumference

For example, if your waist is 30 inches and your hips are 40 inches, your WHR would be 0.75.

Health Implications of WHR

Research indicates that individuals with higher amounts of abdominal fat are at an increased risk for heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and other conditions compared to those who carry fat more evenly distributed throughout the body. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), a healthy WHR is:

  • 0.9 or less for men
  • 0.85 or less for women

Ratios higher than these thresholds are considered indicators of higher health risks related to obesity.

Importance of WHR

The significance of WHR lies in its ability to offer a more detailed picture of an individual's health risks than traditional body mass index (BMI) measurements. While BMI calculates the ratio of height to weight, it does not account for how fat is distributed throughout the body. WHR fills this gap by providing insight into fat distribution patterns.

Limitations of WHR

While the WHR is a valuable tool for assessing health risks related to body fat distribution, it has its limitations. It does not directly measure body fat percentage or distinguish between muscle and fat weight. Therefore, it should be used in conjunction with other measures and assessments for a comprehensive health evaluation.


The Waist to Hip Ratio Calculator offers a simple, yet powerful, way to understand more about our body's fat distribution and its potential health implications. By incorporating WHR measurements into regular health assessments, individuals can gain valuable insights into their health risks and take proactive steps towards maintaining a healthy lifestyle. However, it's important to remember that WHR is just one of many tools available for assessing health, and it's best used as part of a broader health assessment strategy.

In pursuit of a holistic approach to health and fitness, individuals should consult healthcare professionals to interpret WHR results within the context of other health indicators and personal health goals. Together, these tools and professional guidance can pave the way for informed health decisions and a healthier life.